Quality Management

Learn what we do to ensure the quality of our products and services

AMBORETTO has as its target the continuous improvement of the quality of products and services performed, always seeking new technologies and methods to ensure satisfaction, flexibility and competitiveness of its customers and the achievement of their employees.

Certified with ISO 9001, AMBORETTO GROUP is recognized by its customers as a partner company and becomes a qualified supplier in several sectors of industry.


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Quality Policy

AMBORETTO PUMPS has as its quality policy, the achievement of satisfaction of its customers through the development of pumping solutions and handling fluid systems offering innovative products designed and developed by a qualified team and committed to meet the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. All this focused on continuous improvement of the management system quality.


Offer our customers key technologies such as chemical injection systems, handling equipment and fluid pumping, in an innovative manner, sustainable and with focus on the client.


Change the industrial world through solutions for pumping and fluid handling.


INTEGRITY: Engage itself in doing what is correct and comply with what was promised.
RESPECT: Treat everybody in a respectful manner with empathy, because respect begets respect.
PROFESSIONALISM: Perform things once and in a correct manner.
INNOVATION: Be aware of novelties and creating solutions.
COMMITMENT: Our commitment drives our actions and directs the development of our organization.